Somewhere down the line (Homeward Bound)

When you come from the ‘wrong’ side of the tracks you get to take a real close look at the line. Some stay on the side they came from, some cross over, but no matter which side you’re on, you can only head backward or forward. Sometimes you’re going where others have already been. Sometimes you’re coming from where others have yet to go.

Somewhere down the line, we each come to a realization that no matter how far we’ve journeyed, or how many stops we’ve made along the way; since the day we’re born, we’re all trying to find our way back home. Wherever that may be.

John Scott











©John Scott, 25 05 2016

Mariner’s Journal sponsored by Scottfree Design

The Lives of Ghosts

The digital world provides us with many practical and efficient tools for communication, yet there is an important aspect to the physical world which we should not lose in the onward march of technological progress.

We are more than the mere transmission of ideas. We are more than 1’s an 0’s. We are more than bytes and data streams travelling back and forth along invisible highways. Is a true living being not a being of substance?!

There is a connection in the world of form and personal interactions which transcends mere communication. Take a book, for example, a real book; there’s nothing like the feel and smell of it, especially one which has passed through many hands and touched many lives. It leaves traces of itself with its readers while also taking something from them. Its print and our emotional imprints become inseparable. Aside from the stories it tells, a book has a life of its own, just as we do.

As we share our stories we should remember to experience one another; to listen while also feeling. It’s important to communicate but it’s even more important to connect.

©John Scott

John Scott

Mariner’s Journal sponsored by Scottfree Design

The Mystic Gate

What of the child who hid the key within his room

Whose dreams in wintry nights foresaw a Spring in bloom.

Oh whether now, or by long winding paths delayed


We each must journey through the garden

Unto the Mystic Gate

©John Scott (Sesh), 7 July 2014

Mariner’s Journal sponsored by Scottfree Design

Troubled Waters

It’s preferable not to burn bridges,

but some are best not crossed for awhile.

When viewed from a distance,

the traffic they carry

will tell whether the road ahead is safe.

©John Scott, 17 05 2014








image courtessy of by ‘prozac1’
Mariner’s Journal sponsored by Scottfree Design

Down the tracks

There aint no ending of the line, no final point somewhere in time. 

There’s  just the stations on the way, sometimes we stop but we don’t stay. 

And we’re all laying down the tracks, with our burdens on our backs. 

Oh can you hear, can you hear her blow that misty morning horn?

There’s a railroad running through my soul 

and a slow train coming…

The Mariner's Journal - Down the tracks









For you. ©John Scott, 8 05 2014
Mariner’s Journal sponsored by Scottfree Design

Temet Nosce

Deep inside we already know what it is we’re looking for

and that finding it begins by turning inward and looking at ourselves.

This begins by reflecting upon our lives and works.

Everyone is still for at least one moment at some point in their lives,

not just outwardly but inwardly as well

and upon approaching the threshold of truth,

we often see a glimpse of something about ourselves that we do not like and so we look away.

Seeing means acknowledging, acknowledging means taking responsibility,

responsibility means  action, action means change…

and change is hard.

This is why so many of us are afraid to be still.

If only we would look further and pierce the veil.

©John Scott (Sesh), 27 03 2014
Mariner’s Journal sponsored by Scottfree Design

The missing

All these people are gone.

The only proof of their existence is faded memories & frozen images in time.

They will be there always, yet they are not here.

Their youth, spirit & innocence is nowhere to be found.

Who are we now and do their dreams resemble what’s become of our lives?

©John Scott, 18 02 2014

The Mariner's Journal - The Missing


Mariner’s Journal sponsored by Scottfree Design

‘Amathafa’ – The Plains

We’re born of the wind, clothed by the earth

and to each we must return.

The sun will shine, the grass will grow

and the valleys in their quiet solitude

whisper our memories

in the hearts of those who stay behind.


The dead are everywhere,

but who among us is living?

©John Scott, 15 01 2014

Mariner’s Journal sponsored by Scottfree Design

A Long Walk’s End

It is 1:10pm.

At this moment you are making your final journey back home to ‘Qunu’

in an airplane bearing a casket.

Your body will be buried but your spirit will endure.

Although I didn’t get to meet you personally, I feel that I know you very well.

Your legacy lives in the spirit of your vision, a vision not only of Africa but of the whole world.

I have learned from you to listen to the Great Tutor, whose song is in the Earth, the sky and the wind.

It is the song of unchained freedom and unconditional love.

I will carry this song in my heart and every day I will try to sing it as sweetly as you.

Rest well ‘Tata Madiba’

– A Rainbow Child

©John Scott, 15 12 2013

The Mariner's Journal - A Long Walk's End

Mariner’s Journal sponsored by Scottfree Design


Farewell Madiba

It’s been an honor and a privilege. This sad day is also a glorious one for we are reminded that we have witnessed, in our generation, the sustaining Grace of forgiveness, tolerance and Peace.

It is those higher virtues, the character of the Light in expression that illuminates the Path for every living being.

In remembrance

The Mariner's Journal - Madiba




Mariner’s Journal sponsored by Scottfree Design

Come the Dawn

How sweet the flute that softly whispers

unto the Guardian of the night,

who holds the Keys unto the Kingdom,

who is the Sentinel of Light.

For there by mighty steeds – a chariot,

the Pipers Golden Gates are drawn.

Ah, how the night reveals her mystery,

Come the Dawn.

(The Pantheist) ©John Scott (Sesh), 17 10 2013

The Mariner's Journal - Come the Dawn







Mariner’s Journal sponsored by Scottfree Design

Mary’s Song

Lay my body down

for a thorny crown

won’t you hurry me the dawn?.

In the desert waste,

in this barren place

where our promises were born.


Where the wind may blow

we may never know,

set adrift the sands of time.

When the ravens come

the deed will be undone

and you will carry on the line.


She’s a desert rose, she’s a desert rose

a chord the sistrum played for me.

She’s a desert rose,  yes a desert rose

and love has finally set me free.

©John Scott (Sesh), 16 09 2013

Mariner’s Journal sponsored by Scottfree Design